директор Института земного магнетизма, ионосферы и распространения радиоволн имени Н.В. Пушкова РАН
Трансфер результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности в проектах аэрокосмической промышленности
Igor Aksenov
General Director, Volga-Dnepr Airlines LLC
Актуальная практика организации перевозок негабаритных и сверхтяжёлых грузов и развитие направления комплексных авиационных работ и услуг
Igor Aksenov is an industry expert with thirty+ years of experience in the aviation industry.
He began his career at Volga-Dnepr Airlines, where in just a few years he worked his way from the An-32 co-pilot to a flight director.
In 2018, he was appointed CEO of Volga-Dnepr Airlines, responsible for the company's comprehensive development in the cargo transportation market. Under his leadership, Volga-Dnepr was able to effectively organize its work during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering vital cargo around the world, successfully adapt to changing environment and build new air bridges in 2022, developing a comprehensive logistics service, and continue to provide project logistics services to customers from various industries.
Prof. Dr. Vladislav Antipov
помощник президента Национального исследовательского центра "Курчатовский институт"
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Dr. Dmitry Bakanov
Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation
Коммерциализация космических услуг
Georgy Bautin
руководитель дирекции управления транспортом АО "Почта России"
Актуальная практика организации перевозок негабаритных и сверхтяжёлых грузов и развитие направления комплексных авиационных работ и услуг
Mikhail Belyanin
Leading Sales Specialist, Volga-Dnepr Airlines LLC
Актуальная практика организации перевозок негабаритных и сверхтяжёлых грузов и развитие направления комплексных авиационных работ и услуг
An industry expert with ten+ years of experience in international air cargo transportation and logistics. He joined the Volga-Dnepr Airlines team in 2014 at the position of a logistics services support specialist. During several years, he was fully engaged in major industrial logistics projects for the largest customers in the Russian Federation and abroad. Later on, he moved to the commercial department being responsible for charter cargo services in aerospace sector.
Maksim Boltachyev
первый заместитель генерального директора АО "Терра Тех"
Коммерциализация космических услуг
д-р техн. наук, проф., акад. НАН Беларуси, засл. деятель науки Беларуси Витязь Пётр Александрович
начальник управления аэрокосмической деятельности НАН Беларуси, академик НАН Беларуси
Вотрин Герман Дмитриевич
советник проектного офиса Агентства инноваций Москвы
Инновационно-технологические кластеры и технопарки: роль в развитии аэрокосмической индустрии
Dmitrii Goza
Vice-head of department - head of the sector (of innovative projects), Keldysh Research Center JSC
Трансфер результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности в проектах аэрокосмической промышленности
Igor Gulianskii
Director of Innovations, INLINE GROUP JSC
Технологии инженерного образования
Author of the idea and director of the project for the creation of the IKSAR software as part of INLINE GROUP JSC
IKSAR is an industrial platform for Augmented Reality (AR). This is software for the digitalization and modernization of the work of employees involved in the production process - in manufactory, at work sites, in the fields - using AR glasses or mobile devices.
Before IKSAR:
>15 years of implementing corporate solutions based on SAP ERP
Portfolio of completed projects ~ 1 billion rubles.
Industries: Nuclear energy, Oil and gas, Telecom, Manufacturing, Retail
Experience in projects in Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, USA, India, and China
Education: Master's degree in Economics, Full time MBA at Moscow Business School Skolkovo 2012-2013
>20 years in one company
> 1500 flights within Russia
Andrey Dobriakov
Deputy Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency
Dr. Natalia Zavialova
Head of the Laboratory of mechanical systems and processes, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ
In 2008 was graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with honors. In 2011 Natalia defended her dissertation (Ph.D., specialty 05.13.18). In 2015, Natalia created and headed the Laboratory of Modeling Mechanical Systems and Processes. The laboratory solved problems related to the creation of high-tech software for applied problems of mechanics of continuous and discrete media: petroleum engineering, fracture theory, cooling systems, modeling of spacecraft and constellations.
Sergey Zayko
Deputy Chairman, Interstate Aviation Committee
Безопасность полётов - новые вызовы
Alyena Zakharova
руководитель Центра качества поставок АО "РТ-Техприемка"
Безопасность полётов - новые вызовы
Vildan Zinnurov
General Director, Soyuzinform LLC
Alexandr Ivanov
руководитель научного-технического сопровождения и технологичности ГТД Научно-исследовательского института технологии и организации производства двигателей - филиала АО "ОДК"
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Dr. Aleksandr Kabanov
начальник отдела операционной эффективности АО "Организация "Агат"
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Alexander Kazmin
CEO, GameSTUL! Igrovie sistemy LLC
Технологии инженерного образования
Ilya Klyuev
General Director, IC IAS LLC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Korablev Vladimir
General Director, LIURE IT LLC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Dr. Denis Kravchenko
First Deputy Chairman of State Duma Economic Policy Committee
Roman Kulikov
заместитель генерального директора "Научно-производственная корпорация "Системы прецизионного приборостроения"
Инновационно-технологические кластеры и технопарки: роль в развитии аэрокосмической индустрии
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Livanov
Rector, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)
Prof. Dr. Valery Litvinov
председатель научно-технического совета АО "ОНПП "Технология" имени А.Г. Ромашина"
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Mikhail Malakhaev
Head of Development Projects , Volga-Dnepr Airlines LLC
Актуальная практика организации перевозок негабаритных и сверхтяжёлых грузов и развитие направления комплексных авиационных работ и услуг
Mikhail has been working in the aviation industry for over 15 years.
In 2005, he joined the team of the air traffic control center of Volga-Dnepr Airlines, where he worked his way up from a specialist to the deputy head of the air traffic control center. His knowledge and experience enabled the company to implement the project «Air Traffic Control Center of the 21st century» and shape up the air traffic control center team to support flights around the world. Since 2023, Mikhail has been developing projects that were launched based on the pool of competencies gained during 30+ years of the history of Volga-Dnepr Airlines in certain areas.
Additional professional knowledge obtained within the framework of the "Strategic Management" program of the corporate university of the Ulyanovsk region and "Management in Action" of the Presidential Program for the retraining of management personnel help him determine the development strategy in such areas as forest fire services, professional education, flight safety and unmanned aircraft system.
Марданов Сергей Александрович
заместитель генерального директора по развитию бизнеса АО "СР СПЕЙС"
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ
Dr. Vadim Medvedev
генеральный директор Фонда НТИ, ректор Университета 20.35
Alexey Merguryev
Deputy General Director, Clio-Soft JSC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Prof. Dr. Dmitry Merson
директор Научно-исследовательского института прогрессивных технологий Тольяттинского государственного университета
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Aleksandr Minov
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ
Chief Executive Officer at MT-LAB LLC, a Russian private/non-governmental operator specializing in geospatial awareness and Earth observation services via satellite, utilizing its proprietary space system.
Over 20 years of leadership experience in top companies across the digital technology, ICT, digital transformation, and business development sectors, including the Maxima Group, Rostec State Corporation, NIITS JSC, and the Rostelecom Group, among others.
• Moderator, speaker, and expert for projects with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Rostec State Corporation, the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Digital Economy,” and other key industry players.
• Author of over 20 publications on digital transformation and cutting-edge technologies, including co-author of the monograph "Textbook 4CDTO."
• 2020: Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, CDTO program.
• 2018: Ph.D. in Economics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Research focus: business models in the digital economy.
• 2016: Postgraduate studies at Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.
• 2007: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
• 2004: Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Notable Projects:
• Led the development of large-scale technology companies at the national level.
• Managed the entry of companies into public capital markets, including M&A transactions.
• Developed strategic plans for companies and successfully launched products based on advanced technologies, including 4G, 5G, LPWAN, IoT, and more.
Evgeny Mishanov
HR Director, Gazpromneft-Aero
Технологии инженерного образования
Dr. Sergey Mosolov
начальник отделения АО ЖРД "Государственный научный центр Российской Федерации "Исследовательский центр имени М.В. Келдыша"
Трансфер результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности в проектах аэрокосмической промышленности
Prof. Dr. Irina Mysliaeva
Head of the Department Economics and Management in Space Sector, Faculty of Space Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Коммерциализация космических услуг
Education - Tomsk State University, Faculty of Economics; full-time postgraduate study at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. She worked at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1994, he has been working at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is one of the organizers of the MSU Faculty of Space Research, which was established in 2017. Currently, he is the head of two Master's programs: "Public Administration in the space industry", "Space Law", as well as Deputy head of the MBA program "Space and Business". At the Faculty of Space Research, he teaches courses: "Fundamentals of Space Activities", "Public Sector Economics". He has more than 200 scientific publications, is the author of three educational books. Research interests: economics of the public sector, public administration of the space industry; conditions for the development of private astronautics; directions of commercialization of the results of space activities; features of space project management. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Economics of Space". The head of the research: "Extraction of space resources: assessment of prospects and opportunities for extraction of resources outside the Earth", which was published in the publishing house KURS (Moscow) in 2022. She is the author of the book "Private space in Russia: to be or not to be?", which was published in 2024 in Russia.
Alexander Narezhnev
Director, Center for Executive Development Programs Higher School of Business and Technology of the State University of Management
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Prof. Dr. Kirill Okhotkin
директор по космическим программам Московского физико-технического института (национального исследовательского университета)
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ
Sergey Piterkin
Managing Partner, Rightstep LLC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Управляющий партнер, идеолог СПМ, лектор, бизнес — архитектор проектных решений.
Квалификация и экспертные знания
• Планирование производства и закупок с использованием различных алгоритмов, концепций и инструментов: MRP II/SCM/APS. MES/ERP, Lean, TOC. Industry 4.0. — от стратегического до операционного.
• Организация производства, в т.ч. перепланирование, с использованием Lean/TOC инструментария, авторских методик. Логистика, моделирование.
• Система управления производством, закупками, предприятием в целом, в т.ч. зарплатные мотивационные схемы. Прямая производственная себестоимость.
• Управленческая отчетность по планированию, исполнению и мониторингу производства, KPI.
• Построение, разработка и внедрение информационных систем.
Указанное выше в применении к отраслям: машиностроение, приборостроение, авиастроение, ракетостроение, двигателестроение, автомобилестроение, в т.ч. спец. автомобили, мебель, ТНП, тара и упаковка, мебельная отрасль, пищевое производство (кондитерские изделия, напитки, концентраты, мясопереработка).
Области работы до Райтстеп
• Исполнительный директор ИТ-компании (внедрение западных ERP систем на промышленных предприятиях).
• Консультант – ведущий консультант — руководитель практики консалтинга (постановка управления производственными предприятиями).
• Научный сотрудник – инженер (ЛРК-1 МИФИ).
• Московский Инженерно-Физический Институт (Технический Университет). Факультет теоретической и экспериментальной физики. Инженер-физик.
• Сертификация CPIM (Certified in Planning and Inventory Management).
• Системная динамика для управления промышленными предприятиями.
• Supply chains management in manufacturing industries. Reference model, operations, monitoring. Компания «SCM Solutions GmbH».
• Бизнес-администрирование: управление ИТ-компаниями и проектами.
• Agile – Scrum. Управление проектами с использованием гибких подходов.
Ilya Pokataev
Project Manager, Moscow Innovation Agency
Технологии инженерного образования
Aleksandr Ponkin
заместитель генерального директора ООО "Бюро 1440"
Коммерциализация космических услуг
Vasily Prutkovsky
Deputy General Director – Executive Director, Yakovlev PJSC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Aleksei Raikevich
General Director, GLONASS JSC
Коммерциализация космических услуг
Born December 20, 1981 in Moscow.
In 2005 he graduated from the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation with a degree in International Economics, in 2019 he got an MBA at London Business School.
In 2006, he was the head of asset management at Troika Dialog Management Company.
2007–2009 – Senior Manager of the Department of Investment Banking Services at OTKRITIE Financial Corporation.
2009–2014 – Investment director at JSC RUSNANO.
2015–2022 – Investment director at JSFC Sistema.
In November 2022, he was appointed General Director of JSC GLONASS.
Романец Ольга Николаевна
заместитель генерального директора Фонда "Московский инновационный кластер"
Инновационно-технологические кластеры и технопарки: роль в развитии аэрокосмической индустрии
Dr. Alexander Savenkov
Technical Director, Concern "Kalashnikov" JSC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Dr. Dmitry Sevastiyanov
Director General, Gazprom Space Systems JSC, Gazprom AIT Facility LLC
Коммерциализация космических услуг
канд. техн. наук, заслуженный конструктор РФ Севастьянов Николай Николаевич
Автор программы "День космонавтики", Телерадиокомпания "Звезда"
Трансфер результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности в проектах аэрокосмической промышленности
Dr. Ivan Senchev
Deputy General Director, Carbontex LLC
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Alexander Sidorov
Project manager of the Technological Direction DMD, Rosatom Additive Technologies LLC
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Ekaterina Skrypnik
Project Manager, PROMVR
Технологии инженерного образования
Oleg Storchevoy
Chairman, Interstate Aviation Committee
Безопасность полётов - новые вызовы
Сухарев Алексей Александрович
заместитель генерального директора ООО "Межотраслевой аналитический центр"
Трансфер результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности в проектах аэрокосмической промышленности
Sergey Teplov
Инновационно-технологические кластеры и технопарки: роль в развитии аэрокосмической индустрии
Prof. Dr. Nikolay Testoyedov
Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Academic of RAS
Трансфер результатов научно-исследовательской деятельности в проектах аэрокосмической промышленности
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ
Nikolay Testoyedov was born on November 29, 1951 in Omutninsk, Kirovsk Region. In 1974 he graduated from Leningrad Mechanical Institute as a mechanical engineer.
Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, President of the Siberian State Aerospace University
Doctor of Engineering, Academic of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Federation Government Prize winner for Science and Technology (2002 and 2013).
1974 – 1989 – engineer, Senior Engineer, Head of group, Head of sector, Deputy head of department at the Scientific and Production Association of Applied Mechanics (abbreviated NPO PM) (Krasnoyarsk-26);
1989 – 1998 – Head of department, Head of complex at NPO PM (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region);
1998 – 2003 – Executive Director of NPO PM – Razvitiye (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region);
2003 – 2006 – Director of NPO PM – Razvitiye (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region);
June 2006 – September 2006 – Acting General Designer and Director General of NPO PM (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region);
September 2006 – March 2008 – General Designer and Director General of NPO PM (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region);
March 2008 – October 2013 – General Designer and Director General of Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (ISS-Reshetnev Company) (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region);
October 2013 – July 2023 – Director General of ISS-Reshetnev Company (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region).
Petr Feoktistov
General Director, Clio-Soft JSC
Инженерные данные – основа управления цифровым производством
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Filonov
Vice-Rector of Research and Development, NUST MISIS
Новые материалы и технологии для авиационно-космической промышленности
Filonov M. R. 1978 entered the Moscow Institute of steel and alloys. In 1984 he graduated from the physics and chemistry Department of the Theory of metallurgical processes and entered the full-time graduate school of MISIS.
In 1989 he defended his thesis on specialty 05.16.02 - " metallurgy of ferrous metals "on the topic:"Improving the technology of obtaining amorphous materials based on the study of physical and chemical properties of amorphous melts." In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the specialty 05.02.01 - " materials Science (metallurgy) "on the topic:"development of the theory and technology of the amorphization process based on the study of physical and chemical properties of Fe-B and Co-B melts."
Since 2009, he is a Professor in the specialty 05.02.01 " materials Science (metallurgy)".
From 1989 to 1992-researcher of the Department Of theory of metallurgical processes; from 1993-senior researcher of the same Department. Since 2003 Filonov M. R. works as a Professor of the Department of high-Temperature processes, materials and diamonds, since 2011 renamed the Department of Functional nanosystems and high-temperature materials (Fnsivtm). Currently, Filonov M. R. conducts various types of training sessions, reads courses "Amorphous and nanocrystalline materials obtained by quenching from melts", "Methods of physical and chemical research", "Physical and chemical research of materials and processes", "Thermodynamics and kinetics of amorphizing systems" for undergraduate and graduate students in various fields. Filonov M. R. is the head of the Laboratory of medical materials established in 2004 on the basis of MISIS and GIREDMET, which since 2008 became part of the scientific and educational center "Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies" of nust "MISIS", which he headed. Since 2009, he holds the position of Vice-rector for science and innovation; on the part of the University is a Professor of the Department of Fnsivtm, and since 2003 he is elected to this position by competition.
Research interests of Filonov M. R. include physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials (ceramics, cermets, amorphous and nanocrystalline materials and coatings, metal and ion melts), metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, materials science, medical materials, organizational issues in the field of science and education.
9 candidate's theses (Abdul-Fattah, A. Taranov, M. G., Shulzhenko, A. M.) were successfully defended under the scientific supervision of M. Filonov. Ivanov, Anikin, D., Pecherkin, K., Kostitsyn, Tsvetkova, E., Zhukova, S.), more than 50 diploma works.
Under the leadership of Filonov M. R. scientific and technological sites on the areas of MISIS are created and successfully work.
Filonov M. R. is a member of Dissertation councils DD 212.132.02 at the national research technological University "MISIS".
He is also the leader and participant of a large number of research projects, including government contracts and agreements, government assignments, as well as international projects.
Filonov M. R. is a member of the editorial Board of "Izvestiya vuzov. Ferrous metallurgy", is a coordinator of the technological platform "materials and technologies of metallurgy", a member of the Scientific and technical Council of the Board of Directors of JSC "RUSNANO".
Filonov M. R. was awarded the medal "in honor of the 850 anniversary of Moscow", the gold medal of the XI Moscow International salon of inventions and innovative technologies" Archimedes-2008", the medal of MGO VOIR" for high contribution to the development of invention " (2013), the gold medal of Chinese Innovation and Invention Society, Taiwan (2014).
Alexey Khalezov
Head of Product, Neiry
Технологии инженерного образования
Historically - a specialist in the field of development and design of space systems. Was directly involved in the creation and launch of the first russian private spacecraft.
15+ years of experience in creating high-tech products and equipment for the space, oil, computer and neurotech industries.
Key competencies are the creation and launch of new innovative and technological products, product management and business development.
Mikhail Chepizhko
Head of PR Department, Gazpromneft-Aero JSC
Технологии инженерного образования
Pavel Cherenkov
General Manager, Sitronics Space LLC
Коммерциализация космических услуг
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ
Anna Chunina
Deputy General Director, Moscow Innovation Agency
Инновационно-технологические кластеры и технопарки: роль в развитии аэрокосмической индустрии
Project management in the field of innovation: Moscow Accelerator, Pilot testing program, Technology competitions, Innovative Solutions Map.
Extensive work experience in an international company.
The main focus of the work is the introduction of innovations and scaling of technology companies.
MBA degree.
Dr. Vasily Shpak
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Alexander Shchukin
Head of Accident Prevention and Safety Management Department, Volga-Dnepr Airlines
Безопасность полётов - новые вызовы
Milana Elerdova
First Deputy Director General, SITRONICS SPACE LLC
Инновационно-технологические кластеры и технопарки: роль в развитии аэрокосмической индустрии
Andrey Yakovlev
Chief Designer – Head of Design Bureau, Gazprom AIT Facility LLC
Спутникостроение: горизонтальная интеграция государственных и частных программ